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How Green Monster e-Cycling is Creating a Better New Haven for All!

Green Monster e-Cycling is an innovative startup recycling organization that is focused on reducing waste in New Haven, Connecticut. With their signature “pickup” service, they are providing a convenient and hassle-free way to recycle electronics while also helping to create a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for the city.

Through their pickup service, Green Monster has been able to safely dispose of thousands of pounds of electronic waste each year, preventing it from ending up in landfills or other hazardous locations where it can further harm the environment. Additionally, by offering free pickup services for electronic items like computers and printers, they are encouraging people to recycle responsibly, which helps to reduce the amount of e-waste that ends up in landfills.

As a result of their efforts, Green Monster e-Cycling has been able to create a positive impact on New Haven’s environment and economy. Not only are they helping to reduce the amount of electronic waste being produced each year, but they are also creating jobs for local residents in need.

Furthermore, their pickup service is contributing to cleaner air quality by reducing the amount of emissions associated with transporting e-waste from households and businesses. These factors have helped make New Haven an even more desirable place to live for its citizens and visitors alike.

By making it easier and more convenient for people to recycle electronics safely!

Let's Get Started

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